Frequently Asked Painting Questions
Does Ithaca Cortland House Painting Services charge for coming out to assess a painting job and providing an estimate?
No, we do not charge for our quotes. Whether you live in Ithaca, Cortland, Dryden, Binghamton, Syracuse and etc., we will never ask you to pay for house painting estimates.
How much does Ithaca Cortland Painters charge to paint a house?
When it comes to the cost to paint a house, there are a number of variables to consider. For example, how big is the house that is being painted in terms of square footage? Is it a house interior painting project that is being done or an exterior painting one? Every house interior painting or exterior painting project is unique. Contact us if you are seriously considering painting your home and we will provide you with a free estimate.
How long does it take to do a house exterior painting job?
As painting contractors, no two-house painting projects are the same to us. Our home exterior painters will tell you firsthand that every client they worked with is unique and each wants something different. The exterior condition of the home, size and painting scope all play a big factor on the duration of the painting project. A house exterior painting project can take a few days or weeks.
Do I need to leave my house once the house painters start to work?
Our painting company prioritizes the safety of our clients above everything. If we are doing the interior painting of the entire home then our preference would be to have everyone leave the home. However, as pro painters we understand that it’s not always possible to have the client leave the home; in such cases, our interior painters will isolate different parts of the home in order to make it possible for the client to stay within the home when they have no other options.
Do you handle commercial painting jobs?
Our painting company provides both residential and commercial painting services. Whether you are a business that is owner looking for a fresh coat painting on your store front or a rental property owner that is looking to provide an updated look to the units, we can help.
No, we do not charge for our quotes. Whether you live in Ithaca, Cortland, Dryden, Binghamton, Syracuse and etc., we will never ask you to pay for house painting estimates.
How much does Ithaca Cortland Painters charge to paint a house?
When it comes to the cost to paint a house, there are a number of variables to consider. For example, how big is the house that is being painted in terms of square footage? Is it a house interior painting project that is being done or an exterior painting one? Every house interior painting or exterior painting project is unique. Contact us if you are seriously considering painting your home and we will provide you with a free estimate.
How long does it take to do a house exterior painting job?
As painting contractors, no two-house painting projects are the same to us. Our home exterior painters will tell you firsthand that every client they worked with is unique and each wants something different. The exterior condition of the home, size and painting scope all play a big factor on the duration of the painting project. A house exterior painting project can take a few days or weeks.
Do I need to leave my house once the house painters start to work?
Our painting company prioritizes the safety of our clients above everything. If we are doing the interior painting of the entire home then our preference would be to have everyone leave the home. However, as pro painters we understand that it’s not always possible to have the client leave the home; in such cases, our interior painters will isolate different parts of the home in order to make it possible for the client to stay within the home when they have no other options.
Do you handle commercial painting jobs?
Our painting company provides both residential and commercial painting services. Whether you are a business that is owner looking for a fresh coat painting on your store front or a rental property owner that is looking to provide an updated look to the units, we can help.